The 2nd Alpine Conference on Solid-State NMR
Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France 10-13 September 2001
In Memory of E. Raymond Andrew
International Program Committee
Robert G. Griffin (Cambridge, MA), Chairman
Michael Merring (Stuttgart)
Beat H. Meier (Zürich)
Monday 10th September
8:30am-12:00 Session I (B. H. Meier, Chair)
Using Symmetry to Design Pulse Sequences in Solid State NMR
M. Carravetta, A. Brinkmann, X. Zhao, J. Schmedt auf der Günne, P. K. Madhu, M. H. Levitt
Heteronuclear Spin Decoupling Under High Frequency Magic-Angle Sample Spinning
Matthias Ernst and Beat H. Meier
J-WISE: A New NMR Method for the Study of Local Mobility in Solids
Sabine Hediger, Anne Lesage, Lyndon Emsley
Higher Order Effects in the Solid State NMR of Quadrupolar Nuclei
Sungsool Wi, Robert Schurko and Lucio Frydman
Enhancing Sensitivity of Quadrupolar Nuclei Using Rotor Assisted Population Transfer
P. J. Grandinetti, Z. Yao, H.-T. Kwak, T. Clark, P. Subramanian, D. Sakellariou, and L. Emsley
Spin and Spatial Rotating Frames
Shimon Vega
2:30pm-6:00 Session II (R.G. Griffin, Chair)
Studies of Proteins by Solid State NMR: Insights into Catalysis, and the Prospects for Uniformly Labeled Systems
Ann McDermott, Sharon Rozovsky, Tatyana Igumenova, Chad Rienstra, A. Joshua Wand
Evolution of Chromophore Distortions in the Bacteriorhodopsin Photocycle
J. C. Lansing, M. Hohwy, C. P. Jaroniec, B. A. Tounge, A. F. L. Creemers, J. Lugtenburg, M. Bizounok, J. Herzfeld & R. G. Griffin
Single-Transition Cross-Polarization: Quasi-Isotropic Coherence Transfer
Fabien Ferrage, Thomas Eykyn, Emanuel Winterfors, Geoffrey Bodenhausen
New Recoupling and Decoupling Techniques in Solid-State NMR
Morten Hohwy and Chad M. Rienstra
Solution and MAS 1H-NMR Studies of the Transmembrane Segment of Proto-Oncogenic and Mutant NEU
R. Scott Houliston, Frances J. Sharom, and James H. Davis
PISA Wheels: Solid State NMR Topology Elucidation of Membrane Proteins
T. A. Cross, C. Tian, J. Wang, S. Kim, J. Quine, F. Gao, L. Pinto, K. Tobbler and R. Lamb
Tuesday 11th September
8:30am-12:00 Session III (M. Goldman, Chair)
Playing With Single Spins
J. Wrachtrup, F. Jelezko
Approach to High-Resolution Ex-Situ NMR Spectroscopy
Carlos A. Meriles, Dimitris Sakellariou, Henrike Heise, Adam Moulé, Alexander Pines
Rotational Resonance for MQNQ MAS Experiments of Quadrupolar Nuclei
John W. Logan, Alexej Jerschow, Kwang Hun Lim, Jeffry T. Urban, Jamie D. Walls, Alex Pines
Spin-Locking of Half-Integer Quadrupolar Nuclei: Creation and Evolution of Coherences
Sharon E. Ashbrook and Stephen Wimperis
Advanced Solid-State NMR Studies of Hydrogen-Bonding Structures and Proton Mobilities in Imidazole-Based Proton Conductors
G.R. Goward, I. Schnell, R. Graf, and H.W. Spiess
Magic Angle Spinning Experiments With Dynamic Nuclear Polarization for Enhanced Sensitivity
Melanie Rosay, Volker Weis, Richard J. Temkin and Robert G. Griffin
6:00pm-7:00 Session IV (R. G. Griffin, Chair)
Special External Lecture
Femtosecond Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy:
Development of Two-Dimensional and Two-Color Approaches for Complex Systems
Graham Fleming
University of California, Berkeley
Wednesday 12th September
8:30am-12:00 Session V (M. Mehring, Chair)
Techniques for NMR Studies of Superconductivity
Charles P. Slichter and Jürgen Haase
Localized Behavior Near the Zn Impurity in YBa2Cu4O8 as Measured by Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance
Steffen Kraemer and Grant V. M. Williams
NMR of SBN and KLT Relaxors
B. Zalar, A. Gregorovic, and R. Blinc
NMR and Spatial Inhomogeneities in Cuprate High-Temperature Superconductors
J. Haase, C.P. Slichter, C.T. Milling, R. Stern
Solid-State NMR Studies of an Alkali Fulleride
Giuseppe Grasso, Thomas M. de Swiet, Jeremy J. Titman
High Magnetic Field, NMR, and Solid State Physics
C. Berthier, M. Horvatic, M.-H Julien, H. Mayaffre and P. Segransan
2:30pm-6:00 Session VI (R. K. Harris, Chair)
Studies on Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Induced by Laser and Microwave
Takehiko Terao
O-17 NMR Studies of Porous Inorganic Materials
Dieter Freude, Thomas Loeser, Dieter Michel, Daniel Prochnow
Extracting Information From One and Two Dimensional Solid State Spectra of Quadrupolar Nuclei at Different Fields
Dominique Massiot, Franck Fayon, Michael Capron, Pierre Florian, Thomas Vosegaard, Zhehong Gan, Gina L. Hoatson
Structural Effects of Aluminium Inclusion into Rare-Earth Phosphate Glasses From 31P MAS, 27Al (MQ)MAS NMR and Neutron/X-Ray-Diffraction Studies
Ernst RH van Eck, Tessa Brennan, Jacqui M Cole, Gavin Mountjoy, Robert J Newport, George A Saunders
Multiple Quantum NMR Experiments for the Investigation of Soft Solids
Marko Bertmer, Claudiu Filip, Mingfei Wang, Dan Eugen Demco, Bernhard Blümich
Structure and Dynamics of Complex Systems on Mesoscopic Scales From Advanced Solid State NMR
H. W. Spiess
Thursday 13th September
8:30am-12:00 Session VII (J. S. Waugh, Chair)
Structure and Dynamics of Extensively Labeled Peptides and Proteins by Solid-State NMR: Methods and Applications
M. Hong, D. Huster, X.L. Yao, S. Yamaguchi, D. Isailovic
Cross-Polarization Under Fast Magic-Angle Spinning via Dipolar Order
T.Charpentier, J.-F. Jacquinot, J. Virlet, F. Dzheparov, K.H. Lim, A. Pines
A Solid-State MAS NMR Structure Determination Concept for Membrane Proteins
H. Oschkinat, B. van Rossum, F. Castellani, J. Pauli, H. de Groot, M. Baldus
Probing Into the Local Structure of Quadrupolar Spin Systems with Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy
Rieko Verhagen, Cees W. Hilbers, Herman van Kempen, Arno P.M. Kentgens
Adiabatic Polarization Transfer in Magic-Angle Spinning NMR: Application to Double-Quantum Recoupling
Rene Verel, Beat H. Meier
Structure of Amyloid Fibrils: NMR Methods and Results
R. Tycko, A.T. Petkova, Y. Ishii, J.J. Balbach, N.A. Oyler, and O.N. Antzutkin